Hannah Stotter



I have over 10 years in the engineering and construction industry and am lucky to have worked in the UK, Canada and Australia as part of major infrastructure projects.

Safe to say that no two days are the same! The industry is full of interesting people and unique challenges, and this is what I love about it.

My career has not been anything like I expected, but it has lived up to the expectation of being able to play a part in projects that will change cities and improve lives.

Being a woman in this male-dominated industry has its challenges. However, it is also full of allies and it feels great knowing that we have a real opportunity to influence change within it.

There are still old-fashioned thinkers who don’t take you or your position seriously, which can be frustrating, but I wouldn’t let this put you off. This industry has so much to offer, and your career path can go in so many directions. If you are driven and love challenge you cannot go wrong with the construction industry!