Farah Wahab



I have been working in the Engineering and Construction industry for over 12 years in the Human Resource (HR) department. It was an industry that I was a little familiar with because both my brothers studied it but I never thought i could make a difference in it.

When I started working in Human Resources I quickly learnt that there was a lot of difference i could make. The ratio of male to female engineers has gotten better since i started but there is still a long way to go.

One of the most common challenges that women are facing in the construction industry is micro-aggression that is sometimes disguised as [office or site] banter or jokes.

Therefore I would encourage anyone coming into the industry is to speak up when such incidences happen. It takes a village to make the change and not just one voice. In my free-time I love spending time with my children (9 year old daughter and 3 year old son) and reading.